
F6 & die Kontrolleuchten

Eil Ndne - musician, composer, poet, photographer, historian, webmaster and librarian of F6 & die Kontrolleuchten - is not well known for skillful filing. Therefore many of the documents regarding the legendary and infamous bunkerparties in Hannover, Vahrenwald are temporarily unavailable. However, this page will be updated sometimes. Probably.


The bunker in Vahrenwald, a former air raid shelter from WWII, presently divided into band practice rooms. F6 & die Kontrolleuchten would hang up posters to advertise a party, this really was all the preparation taken.

Invitation card front to the first bunkerparty 1996

This party turned out to be a somewhat private affair.

Invitation card front to the second bunkerparty in March 1997

This time more bands participated!

F6 & die Kontrolleuchten always produced a lot of christmas music. For this party more care was taken to ensure that many bands and guests would turn up.

Not much remained from these costumes...

A spring invitation for a bunkerparty to relebrate Mother's Day 2000

Inside of the invitation for Mother's Day bunkerparty

Buildup for Mother's Day Bunkerparty

The hosts prepare themself

"Vollmilch" taking over

Bunkerparties also could be quiet and pieceful.


zur Heimseite